On Oct. 20th, Sayer Ji and Congressmen Dennis Kucinich (running as an independent in Ohio) sat down with Vigilant News and discussed concerning new changes to military policy concerning the use of lethal force in civilian law enforcement.
Did you know there are over 440 federal agencies in the U.S. government, but only one is dedicated to peace efforts?
Peace is so unpopular in the U.S. government that @Dennis_Kucinich's 2001 effort to establish a Department of Peace didn't even make it to a vote.
“Since 9/11, America has spent $8 trillion on wars that we didn't have to be involved in, $8 trillion out of a $36 trillion debt,” Kucinich lamented.
Now, Dennis Kucinich (www.kucinich.com) is running as an independent in Ohio's 7th Congressional District. If elected, he's dedicated to protecting the Constitution, safeguarding civil liberties, and ending the endless wars.
#peaceNOW #departmentofPEACE #endwars
View the entire interview on Rumble here: https://rumble.com/v5jfvng-alex-jones-issues-terrifying-post-election-prediction-media-blackout.html?e9s=src_v1_ep
Learn about Dennis Kucinich here: www.kucinich.com
Learn about Sayer Ji here: www.sayerji.com
Follow Sayer Ji and engage with him on X/Formerly Twitter: Sayer Ji
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Read the original DoD Directive report from 10/07: https://rumble.com/v5jfvng-alex-jones-issues-terrifying-post-election-prediction-media-blackout.html?e9s=src_v1_ep