Secrets of the Field: Human Hair As An Antenna & Transmitter of Energy and Information.
Sayer Ji interviews Karen Elkins on recent discoveries proving that human hair is both an antenna and transmitter of bioelectromagnetic energy and information; a discovery confirming the wisdom of the ancients: human hair possesses profound, if not 'super-natural' capabiliities!
For many years, I have reflected on the unique power of human hair, and more specifically, on the role of melanin - an extraordinary molecule found in high concentrations in hair, and whose incredibly unique and powerful properties have been the subject of extensive investigation over the past few decades.
In going down this research rabbit hole, I also found evidence that the hair folicle is a mini-organ with twenty different cell types, including pluripotent stem cells that are capable of differentiating into a variety of tissues, including cardiac cells, indicating that the hair follicle provide very special and potently regenerative nests of cellular resilience that science is only beginning to understand.
I eventually heard about a controversial and supposedly 'debunked' story regarding Native American scouts who were believed to have lost their seeming super-natural tracking abilities after receiving hair cuts as new U.S. military recruits during the Vietnam War.
Despite the nay-sayers, the concept made intuitive sense to me, so I started to explore the biomedical literature to see if there is further evidence that the hair is a sensory organ, and contains certain "powers," as widely believed in ancient cultures and within certain still practicing spiritual sects, and I started to make progress in this direction, finding a number of studies confirming the sensorial capabilities of human hair. For instance, this NEJM citation from 1999 includes the following passage:
But it was not until I received Karen Elkins recent, and incredibly well documented issue of Science to Sage, titled "SECRETS IN THE FIELD – BIOELECTROMAGNETIC," that the true extent of the extraordinary properties and capabilities of human hair were revealed to me.
In fact, in the issue you are free to explore, we have the 'mother load' of evidence proving that indeed, the hair is both a receiving and transmitter of bioelectromagnetic energy and information!
Karen Elkins is interviewed above, and is a powerhouse of insight and creativity behind the leading edge magazine Science to Sage.
All the references, video links, and commentary can be found in the free issue here:
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