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Deciphering Rudolf Steiner For Our Time w/ Dale Brunsvold
Alfa Vedic
Scheduled for
Thu, Jan 23 12:00 PM
James Tunney, ever-popular with the Alfacast community, returns for a part 3 exploration into the contemporaneous variant of "science", as a deceptive tool for totalitarian governance. Obvious parallels with religious zealotry aside, the present atomistic bias shuns the living etheric mechanisms for nano-tech neuro-networks fueled by smart dust.
We'll entertain the existence of evil, as the driver of the surrealistic insanity that has become the new normal. Our discussion will traverse through Luciferianism & Satanism to Steiner Anthroposophy and the "Black Legend" of the British Empire.
James Tunney, left a successful academic career in law to focus on spiritual and artistic development. As a prolific writer within academia and working as an international consultant, James is noted for his presentations on the various aspects of globalization in many countries around the world.
James has refocused his creative talents to an in-depth exploration into Mysticism and Scientism through his brilliant works to include his most recent publication, Plantation of the Automatons: Rule of an Automaticity Loop, a follow-up on his prior book Human Entrance to Transhumanism.ce their fascination with creating a simulacrum which is stunning one realises it. I can explain. We are being talked out of particular supernaturalities whereas we actually need their help.
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